- Login
to the User Portal
- Click Sites
- Select
the Production environment, since this is the live website you are going to copy content from.
- Create a backup point so you are copying the most recent website.
- Click
on Backup Points on the left menu.
- Clicking
the Back up Now button.
- Type
a description you’ll remember and your email address.
- Wait
for the email notification that the backup is complete, then continue
- Click
the Copy to button on the top right. IMPORTANT: Must choose “COPY TO” or you could overwrite your
entire live website.
- Select
the backup point you just made from the dropdown.
- Check
the option to include the database.
- Click Preview Copy.
- Click Copy Environment. You will receive an email when the copy is
- To access the staging environment, select the Staging environment from the left panel and then select Wordpress Admin. This will take you to the wordpress login page where you can log in with the same credentials you use on the live website.